Sorry, these photos are not in chronological order.
Its about 1am, I am tired...
About to do my first braid and band washing.
About to do my first braid and band washing.
Too much hair left to do.....
I was so tired and my butt hurted so bad that when I got home, I wanted to sleep standing up! But I have an amazing head of beautiful SISTERLOCKS!......... Finally! Those of you who know me personally, know that for about 8 years, I have been claiming that I will get sisterlocked the next year and the year after that... Well, I finally did it. I have a great consultant that I trust. (Blenna Williams of Salon Nature'lle, Memphis, TN) She was very professional and fast. So I had no worries once I got in her chair. After she washed my hair, I was so thrilled that 1. she was finished and 2. my hair was beautiful! It was love at first sight. I am so excited about my journey. I can't wait to take my 1 year anniversary pictures.
Sidebar: I also went to Goulds last weekend to get my eyebrows waxed. I so desperately needed it!